Book 2 of Pop Culture

Fast Philosophy

“Extremely entertaining.”
“Skillfully combines serious philosophy with the right amount of humor.”

Life is full of questions…why are we here? (and why isn’t there more cake?)
What does it mean to be good? (and how can we get away with not being it?)
What is beauty? (and how can we convince it to take its clothes off?)

In 100 hilarious, compact sessions, Fast Philosophy takes the greatest ideas of the past and applies them to the biggest questions of today, such as – how would a stoic try and pick someone up at a party (or not care if they failed)? What Marvel superhero would Nietzsche be? Is there a meaning to life? Is there a meaning to Kanye West?

Using simple language, humour, and more than fifty beautiful illustrations, philosopher Lukas N.P. Egger and three-time Spiegel bestselling author Adam Fletcher show just how entertaining enlightenment can be.

Get all the wisdom with none of the work now!

About the book:

Published:     2018

Languages:    English and German (as Klo-Philosoph)

Word Count:    50k

Amazon Rating:

Reviews:    22

Sales:  2.25k English and 27k German

Time to write:    6 months

Selected Reviews:

"I especially liked the silly illustrations and witty tl;tr sections. The authors skillfully combine serious philosophy with the right amount of humor -- 5 stars recommendation!"
Amazon US Review
"This book, written in quick lessons, is a great example of how to use critical thinking in real life situations. I'd highly recommend this book to both my students and colleagues, as well as anyone who wants something fun to read on their commute."
Kira Dralle
Amazon US Reviewer
"The authors show quite a bit of wit. It helps that they do not take yourselves too seriously. Love the short chapters and the visual connections to the philosophers."
Kindle Customer
Amazon US Reviewer
"If you want a quick clear view of western philosophies throughout the ages, I highly recommend this book. A delightfully brief run-down of the subject, it even manages to be the entertaining."
Amazon US Reviewer