Book 1 of Pop Culture

Understanding the British

The British are not who you think they are…

In fact, they’re not even who they think they are!

Come on a hilarious tour of the most misunderstood people on Earth.

Throwing away all the usual, boring stereotypes, and unafraid of being critical where justified, best-selling author (and Brit) Adam Fletcher will explain:
–    What cricket has to do with the Grim Reaper.
–    When you shouldn’t say sorry.
–    The real reason Brexit happened (from the perspective of a Remainer).
–    Which secret religion every Brit is a member of.
–    The twenty most annoying phrases in the English language.
–    What every Brit automatically does when left alone.
–    The Ten Commandments of British humour.

And much more.

Packed with warmth, humour, honesty, insight, and more than forty hilarious illustrations, Understanding the British is the definitive irreverent guide to a strange nation—a book that will appeal to lovers of George Mikes, Bill Bryson, and George Mahood.

The truth about the British will surprise you. Discover it now!

Bonus: includes a How British Are You? quiz that will reveal just how well you understand the British mentality.

About the book:

Published:     2019

Languages:    English

Word Count:    50k

Amazon Rating:

Reviews:    800

Sales:    23k

Time to write:    4 months

Selected Reviews:

"This book was a wonderful diversion. Loved every bit of it AND I scored 33 on the quiz. I am proudly British. Actually, the book explains a lot aboutmy behavior and beliefs. I guess my family raised me as British. Who knew!!?? I don't have the drinking or, diet characteristics, but British I am. Are you?"
Amazon US Review
"Adam gives a tongue-in-cheek tour de force of everything British, from an ex-pat point of view. Maybe it’s his adopted German home that gives him the perspective that allows him to see things in a humorous way (though in my experience most Brits are self-deprecating). The social rituals are a special hoot. Having seen them close up, I can vouch that they are “spot on”."
Bob Smith
Amazon US Reviewer
"Truly funny book. I laughed and laughed. The issues raised about the British way of thinking and living is very truthful. I was raised British and have been out of the country now for many years; but the warm-hearted humor (humour) & light hearted cynicism makes the book truly wonderful."
Brian Maskell
Amazon US Reviewer
"Adam made me write that title. Everything you need to know about saying please and thank you. Opening and giving presents and how to fit in during your next trip to England, Great Britain, or the United Kingdom."
Amazon US Reviewer